Jun 25, 2023
In This Hour:
-- Cam Edwards, of Bearing Arms, runs down the gun rights stories they are covering and shares his impressions on wins and losses.
-- A team of armed IRS agents seize the gun sales records from a Montana gun store.
-- Thoughts on a Taurus .17 HMR revolver for protection.
Tom Gresham's Gun Talk 06.25.23...
Jun 25, 2023
In This Hour:
-- Darryl Bolke of Hardwired Tactical Shooting explains real-world gun fighting, why revolvers deserve serious consideration, and shares stories from the Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round Up event at Gunsite.
-- The pocket holster as an option.
-- What really matters in a self-defense shooting...
Jun 25, 2023
In This Hour:
-- Larry Keane, from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, explains how the gun ban industry wants to destroy firearms manufacturers.
-- President Joe Biden is caught lying about guns and gun laws.
-- Putting a new barrel on a bolt-action rifle.
Tom Gresham's Gun Talk 06.25.23 Hour 3
Jun 25, 2023
In This Hour:
-- Cutting down the stock of a .410 shotgun for an 8-year old.
-- Has the pocket holster replaced the ankle holster?
-- Where's the ammo? Some cartridges are still hard to find.
Tom Gresham's Gun Talk 06.25.23 After Show
Jun 24, 2023
Gun Talk Hunt’s Kevin “KJ” Jarnagin is in Wyoming for a prairie dog hunt with Caldwell and is sitting down with Brian Wood - aka HarleyWood - to swap stories, share some laughs and crack a few cold Coors. Plus, a few special guests stop by. This Gun Talk Hunt is brought to you by Ruger, Range Ready and...