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Welcome to the Podcast Page for Tom Gresham's Gun TalkĀ®!

Aug 26, 2018

Tom talks to Mike Mihalski of Sons of Liberty Gun Works about their replacement policy in the event of an LEO shooting, and Laura Carno of FASTER Colorado about active shooter training for teachers and school staff in Colorado. Plus, mini revolvers good for concealed carry.


Tom Gresham's Gun Talk 8.26.18 Hour...

Aug 26, 2018

Tom talks gun rights to-dos with Rally for our Rights founder Lesley Hollywood, and an update on the online  3D gun part plans battle with Defense Distributed's Cody Wilson. Plus, is it better to modify a budget gun or buy a better one?

Tom Gresham's Gun Talk 8.26.18 Hour...

Aug 26, 2018

Tom talks updates to the Liberty Safe gun safe locking bars, plus a giveaway, with Kyle Clouse. Plus, the ACLU comes to the defense of the NRA. 

Tom Gresham's Gun Talk 8.26.18 Hour...

Aug 26, 2018

Tom, Jim, and Michelle discuss getting active in making your county/parish a sanctuary for guns, how to appeal a denied NICS check, and a new concealed carry law in Ohio that benefits Veterans.

Tom Gresham's Gun Talk 8.26.18 After Show

Aug 19, 2018

Tom talks with Dave Kopel of the Independence Institute about current events, and the weekend's ATF gathering. Also, finding the guns you REALLY want, and some range reports.


Tom Gresham's Gun Talk 8.19.18 Hour 1